I detta avsnitt intervjuas Sarah Philipson Isaac, som disputerat på en avhandling om tidsstyrningen av svensk asylpolitik efter 2015 och hur den erfars bland de som sökt asyl. Därefter diskuterar Åsa Wettergren och Håkan boken Time: An Essay av Norbert Elias.
Litteratur som nämns i avsnittet:
Sarah Philipson Isaac: Temporal Dispossession: The Politics of Asylum and the Remaking of Racial Capitalism in and beyond the borders of the Swedish Welfare State (Göteborgs universitet, 2024).
Johannes Anyuru: De kommer att drunkna i sina mödrars tårar (Norstedts, 2018).
Johan Asplund: Tid, rum, individ, och kollektiv (Liber, 1983).
Gargi Bhattacharyya: Futures of Racial Capitalism (Polity Press, 2023).
Norbert Elias: An Essay on Time (University College Dublin Press, 2007 [1987]).
Ruth Wilson Gilmore: Abolition Geography: Essays Towards Liberation (Verso, 2022).
David Harvey: “The ‘new’ imperialism: Accumulation by dispossession”. Socialist Register, nr. 40, s. 63–87, 2004.
Georgina Ramsay: “Time and the other in crisis: How anthropology makes its displaced object”, Anthropological Theory, 20(4), 385–413., 2020 https://doi.org/10.1177/1463499619840464.
Cedric J. Robinson: Black Marxism: The Making of the Black Radical Tradition (University of North Carolina Press, 2000).
Satpal Virdee: “Racism and State Formation in the Age of Absolutism”, Historical Materialism, vol,. 32, nr. 2 & 3, 2023. https://www.historicalmaterialism. org/articles/racism-and-state-formation-age-absolutism