Hur är det möjligt att skapa ett politiskt utrymme för barn och involvera barn i att definiera vad som ska räknas som politiskt viktigt? Jeanette Sundhall, universitetslektor i genusvetenskap, diskuterar hur vuxenhetsnormer begränsar möjligheterna att inkludera barn i samhället och hur begreppet childism kan vara ett sätt att utmana vuxenhetsnormer.
In English:
How can we make children a bigger part of society?
How is it possible to create a political space for children and involve children in defining what should count as politically important? Jeanette Sundhall, senior lecturer in gender studies, discusses how adulthood norms set limits on the possibilities of including children in.
This clip is a part of a serie featuring researchers from the Gender Studies Unit at the University of Gothenburg, this clip series looks at different aspects of gender studies, research, and education society and how the concept of childism can be a way to escape the dominance of adulthood norms.