Centrum för global HRM anordnade 26 november 2019 ett seminarium på temat "Managing an intercultural workplace". Detta är del 1 av 3.
Medverkande var:
- Vedran Omanovic, fil. dr i företagsekonomi, Göteborgs universitet
- Rosette Lyaka Mayende, HR-konsult, Västra Götalandsregionen
- Patrik Bolin, New Business Manager, Ikea of Sweden
Today's work force is multicultural following global migration and a growing number of multinational corporations. This globalization has an impact on organizations and companies, and the increased diversity challenges work places in both public and private sector. Accordingly, developing and maintaining an inclusive work environment for all employees has become an important HR-issue.
This seminar focuses on managing diverse work groups and multicultural work places in both public and private organizations from a research, business and HR professionals' perspective.
Del 1: Organizational Socialization of Migrants and Diversity in Organizations, Vedran Omanovic, PhD in Business Administration, University of Gothenburg
Del 2: Managing an intercultural work-place. An exploration of employee experiences of workplace conflicts and the role of cross-cultural differences, Rosette Lyaka Mayende, HR-consultant, Region West Sweden (Västra Götalandsregionen)
Del 3: Att leda globalt lokalt - 52 nationaliteter på IKEA of Sweden i Älmhult, Patrik Bolin, New Business manager, New Businesses, IKEA of Sweden