Sök efter tagg: "economics"

BSc Programme in Business and Economics.

Our society needs independent thinkers with rigorous knowledge in business and economics, who can use this knowledge to transform businesses and societies to become more sustainable

Från  Göteborgs universitet, Medieteknik 84 uppspelningar

Economics, Master's programme

Economics helps you analyse societal issues and enables you to offer advice in both policy and corporate contexts. From big questions such as climate change and world poverty, to how competitiveness…

Från  Göteborgs universitet, Medieteknik 12 uppspelningar

Gothenburg WCERE 2018 – 6th World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists

Highlights and interviews from WCERE in Gothenburg, 25-29 June 2018.

Från  Göteborgs universitet, Medieteknik 205 uppspelningar

Legal landscapes in biodiversity and social safeguards

Focali. Landscapes in a carbon focused world, oct. 26, 2012, Gothenburg. Claudia Huarte - Lima, Stockholm Resilience Centre / Swedbiog Produced by the University of Gothenburg 2012

Från  Göteborgs universitet, Medieteknik 1 uppspelningar

Landscape Scale Investigation of Greenhouse Gas Exchange (LAGGE)

Focali. Landscapes in a carbon focused world, oct. 26, 2012, Gothenburg. Leif Klemedtsson, Professor Department of Earth Sciences, University of Gothenburg Produced by the University of Gothenburg…

Från  Göteborgs universitet, Medieteknik 2 uppspelningar

Reducing emission from all land uses - a broader perspective on REDD+ with examples from Vietnam

Focali. Landscapes in a carbon focused world, oct. 26, 2012, Gothenburg. Matilda Palm, Chalmers University of Technology / Focali Produced by the University of Gothenburg 2012

Från  Göteborgs universitet, Medieteknik 1 uppspelningar

Agroforestry and conversation projects in Brazil, carbon, biodiversity, climate and people

Focali. Landscapes in a carbon focused world, oct. 26, 2012, Gothenburg. André Goncalves, Professor Agrocology, Instituto Federal Catarinense. Technical Advisor, Centro Ecologico,…

Från  Göteborgs universitet, Medieteknik 3 uppspelningar

Potentials for soil carbon sequestration in different cattle feeding strategies

Focali. Landscapes in a carbon focused world, oct. 26, 2012, Gothenburg. Christel Cederberg, Chalmers University of Technology, SIK the Swedish Institute for Food and Biotechnology Produced by the…

Från  Göteborgs universitet, Medieteknik 5 uppspelningar

Discussion in a café style. Current opportunities for higher accuracy of quantifying carbon by introducing landscape as a unit - knowledge and policy gaps and ways forward

Focali. Landscapes in a carbon focused world, oct. 26, 2012, Gothenburg. Everybody. Produced by the University of Gothenburg 2012

Från  Göteborgs universitet, Medieteknik 1 uppspelningar

Smallholder farming: a way towards sustaining food security and adapting to climate change

Focali. Landscapes in a carbon focused world, oct. 26, 2012, Gothenburg. Hailu Araya, Teamleader, ISD (Institute for Sustainable Development) Co founder of the Best Practice Organisation,…

Från  Göteborgs universitet, Medieteknik 2 uppspelningar

Handelshögskolan featuring Mathilda Kronér: Varför vara långt ifrån när vi kan vara nära

Extramaterial till Handelshögskolans film (https://play.gu.se/media/1_84zw3scd) med sångerskan Mathilda Kronér som studerar på Juristprogrammet.

Från  Göteborgs universitet, Medieteknik 19 uppspelningar

This is the School of Business, Economics and Law

Welcome to the School of Business, Economics and Law at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. http://www.handels.gu.se

Från  Göteborgs universitet, Medieteknik 64 uppspelningar