Panagiotis Patsis, who has graduated from the International Master's
Programme in Educational Research at the University of Gothenburg. IMER
is a programme where students from all over…
Mikael Zanqrelle Ljudtekniker
Filip Asphäll Redigering
Emelie Kastberg
Gunnar Jönsson Språk
English Arkivnummer
MF24009 Copyright
Pol Solé Navais is a postdoctoral fellow
at Sahlgrenska Academy, his research is about genetics and preterm
birth. Follow him for a day characterized by the inspiring research
Filip Asphäll Fotograf
Pamela Ericsson
Majk Zanqrelle Redigering
Gunnar Jönsson
Filip Asphäll
Emelie Kastberg Språk
Miriam Bollman
researches rheumatism and is a postdoctoral fellow at Sahlgrenska
Academy. Join her to a state-of-the-art lab, coffee with the research
group and evening practice with the soccer…
Filip Asphäll Fotograf
Pamela Ericsson Redigering
Emelie Kastberg
Filip Asphäll
Gunnar Jönsson Språk
As ice recedes, the Arctic
natural environment, its inhabitants' livelihood, and its political arrangement
will change forever. In this video,
Gabriela Argüello discusses her work on Arctic…
Fredrik Edlund Språk
English Copyright
Person-centred care has over the past few years gained in interest
worldwide. Patients, health care professionals, politicians, health care
organisations, the public and industry are interested in…
Pamela Ericsson
Laila Östlund Ljudtekniker
Fredrik Edlund Redigering
Laila Östlund Språk
English Arkivnummer
MF18094 Publiceringsdatum
20 November, 2018 Copyright
Securing web applications is essential for a society that critically
relies on the internet. Information-flow control identifies sources and
destinations of information content and tracks its…
Pamela Ericsson Grafik
Erik Lundberg Redigering
Calle Björned
Pamela Ericsson Speaker
Kevin Billinghurst Språk
English Arkivnummer
MF13096 Publiceringsdatum
20 December, 2013 Copyright